It is never easy to establish an online reputation. It requires time and effort. Therefore, once you have established your reputation, you should know how to manage it properly. Online reputation management takes much of your time and if you don’t want to waste it, you have to know the mistakes that you should avoid. What are these mistakes? Read on.
Hiring someone to make and post positive reviews about your business
If you have just established your business, you might be tempted to work with an online reputation management company so that you can get positive reviews. This seems to be a good choice as it might seem to help make your business become more popular. However, it is very important to take note that this will not bring about any good result in the long run. Yes, some people might be amazed with your business because of the positive reviews scattered on the internet. However, doing this will result to your site being pushed down. Google will punish your site and this alone can damage the reputation that you have built.
So that you will not have to work with an online reputation management company, you should offer the best products and services so that you will have happy customers. These customers will surely be willing to write reviews about how they were satisfied.
Wrongly responding to negative comments
Negative comments are unavoidable, regardless of the type of business you have. When you stumble upon a negative comment, do not hate the person who wrote it. Do not even take it against him legally. Do not try to frighten him and then demand him to change the comment. This will just worsen the case and can even make your online reputation management task extra difficult.
Instead, you have to talk properly with the person who was not satisfied with your product or service. Ask him about the thing which made him unhappy and then present possible solutions on how to address such in the future. It will also not be a monetary loss on your part if you will offer a discount the next time that person will buy your products again.
Ignoring your customers
This is among the most common mistakes when it comes to online reputation management. It is understandable to be busy when managing a business. However, you should always remember that your customers are the reasons why you are in business.
When a customer is angry, make sure not to upset him more by simply ignoring him. Be prompt in dealing with your customers. Even if this is not always easy, you should still try your best.
It might be hard to establish your reputation, but you will notice that managing it is even harder. However, when you know the mistakes that you should avoid, you should not find online reputation management to be very hard. You can also ask us to help you in that matter. We have professionals at eSearch Marketing who have been doing such task for decades already. We will not only help in managing your reputation, but we will also market it. Contact us at (619) 357-4120 and have your questions be answered.