Have You Ever Wondered How Google Scores And Ranks Ad Quality? Now that Google has redesigned the desktop search results page for AdWords, it has a lot of us wondering how Google ranks ads. What is Google’s Quality Score, and how do we increase it? How does the quality score play into Google rank? All […]
Google Is Switching Up Their Ads… And It Might Just Affect You
What is the New Google AdWords Format? Recently, Google announced a change to the AdWords format, which could mean a lot for you, PPC, and SEO. Previously, ads ran at the top, bottom and side of the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). This positioning allowed for search results, particularly organic listings, to be seen without […]
AdWords Tips for Mobile Traffic
If you were marketing a business a few years ago, you were probably inundated with predictions about the dawn of the mobile era. Well, the mobile era is upon us. Mobile searches significantly outnumber desktop searches. You can read about that here, direct from Google. Amazingly, that’s not including tablets, just smartphones. Throw tablets into […]